If necessary, the establishment is equipped with armed fire taps, dry standpipes, wet standpipes, fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems or automatic fire detection systems.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title II: Employer's obligations regarding use of the workplace | Chapter VII: Fire and explosion risks and evacuation | Section 5: Fire prevention and fire-fighting resources | Subsection 1: Extinguishing media | Article R4227-30 of the French Labour Code
If necessary, the establishment is equipped with armed fire taps, dry standpipes, wet standpipes, fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems or automatic fire detection systems.
Si nécessaire, l’établissement est équipé de robinets d’incendie armés, de colonnes sèches, de colonnes humides, d’installations fixes d’extinction automatique d’incendie ou d’installations de détection automatique d’incendie.
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