I.-Ordinary members are elected in accordance with article L. 4233-6.
Each pair of candidates for the office of titular ordinal councillor shall stand with their alternates. Each elector votes for as many pairs of candidates as there are seats to be filled for his or her department, region or professional category.
Pharmacists in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica regions elect a single regional council. For the election of councillors representing assistant dispensing pharmacists on the central council of section D, these two regions form a single electoral district.
II – For the seats to be filled under the conditions set out in articles L. 4232-4, L. 4232-13 and L. 4232-14 and in the second paragraph of article L. 4233-6, the electorate votes in a single-member constituency by a majority of votes cast for candidates who stand with their substitute candidate.
III -The pairs of candidates or candidates with the highest number of votes, up to the number of seats to be filled, are declared elected.
In the event of a tie, the seat is awarded to the pair of candidates with the oldest full member or to the oldest candidate.