Where the complaint or submissions are inadmissible on grounds that can be remedied in the course of the proceedings, the court may reject them by noting the inadmissibility of its own motion until it has invited the party submitting them to put them in order. However, the National Disciplinary Chamber may reject such submissions without first requesting them to be put in order in the event of inadmissibility arising from failure to comply with an obligation mentioned in the notification of the contested decision.
The request for them to be put in order shall state that, failing this, the complaint or the submissions may be rejected as inadmissible on expiry of the time limit set, which, except in emergencies, may not be less than fifteen days. The request for regularisation takes the place of the information provided for in article R. 611-7 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
With regard to the inadmissibility provided for in the first and second paragraphs of article R. 4234-12 of this Code, the request for regularisation may take the form of a formal notice signed by the president of the adjudication panel, which states that on expiry of the time limit, which may not be less than one month, this inadmissibility may no longer be covered in the course of the proceedings.