I.-If the pharmacist, subject to the penalties of temporary or permanent prohibition from practising provided for in 4° and 5° of article L. 4234-6, is entrusted with teaching duties or is approved as a training supervisor, the decisions and orders are communicated by any means giving a certain date of receipt, as soon as they are final and enforceable, to the president of the university, to the director of the training and research unit providing pharmaceutical training as well as to the rector of the academy in which the pharmacist teaches, where applicable.
II.-The Conseil national de l’ordre informs the director of the Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie, by electronic means if necessary, of the decisions handed down by the disciplinary chambers, which have become final and enforceable, imposing temporary or permanent bans from practising as provided for in 4° and 5° of article L. 4234-6 on pharmacists providing a service or medical biology analyses or supplying products or medical devices likely to give rise to reimbursement by the health insurance scheme.