The content of the certificate of conformity is set out in a joint order issued by the ministers responsible for labour, agriculture, customs, industry and consumer affairs.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title I: Design and placing on the market of work equipment and means of protection | Chapter III: Conformity certification procedures | Section 1: Pre-marketing formalities | Subsection 2: Second-hand work equipment and personal protective equipment | Article R4313-15 of the French Labour Code
The content of the certificate of conformity is set out in a joint order issued by the ministers responsible for labour, agriculture, customs, industry and consumer affairs.
Le contenu du certificat de conformité est prévu par arrêté conjoint des ministres chargés du travail, de l’agriculture, des douanes, de l’industrie et de la consommation.
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