I.-The market surveillance authority shall inform the economic operator concerned of any evidence it has of non-conformity of work equipment or personal protective equipment and shall, where appropriate, send it the verification reports referred to in Article R. 4314-5.
It shall set a deadline for the operator to submit its observations and set out any corrective measures it intends to take.
The economic operator shall specify in particular the nature of the measures envisaged, the arrangements for their implementation, the timetable for their deployment, the arrangements for informing the end-users concerned and, where applicable, the other economic operators concerned, and the arrangements for meeting the cost of these measures.
The market surveillance authority may also summon any representative of the economic operator concerned.
II.-The market surveillance authority may ask the manufacturer or his authorised representative to have an accredited body verify, at his own expense, that the modifications he has undertaken or proposes to undertake to correct a non-conformity are sufficient.
The time limit set by the market surveillance authority for the manufacturer or his authorised representative to communicate the results of this verification may not be less than one month.
If the manufacturer or his authorised representative has already called upon an accredited body to assess the conformity of the equipment concerned with a view to placing it on the market, he may not call upon the same body again.
The verification body shall have access to the elements of the technical file for the work equipment or the technical documentation for the personal protective equipment required for the conformity assessment for which it is responsible.
The verification reports drawn up by the accredited body shall be written in or translated into French.
The ministers responsible for labour and agriculture shall determine by order the conditions to be met by the accredited bodies responsible for carrying out the verifications and the procedures for carrying out these verifications.