After each inspection, the authorised officers draw up a report on compliance by economic operators with the regulations governing the design, manufacture and marketing of equipment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title I: Design and placing on the market of work equipment and means of protection | Chapter IV: Market surveillance | Section 2: Monitoring and investigative powers of market surveillance authorities and authorised agents | Subsection 1: General provisions | Article R4314-7 of the French Labour Code
After each inspection, the authorised officers draw up a report on compliance by economic operators with the regulations governing the design, manufacture and marketing of equipment.
Après chaque contrôle, les agents habilités établissent un rapport relatif au respect par les opérateurs économiques de la réglementation relative à la conception, à la fabrication et à la mise sur le marché des équipements.
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