In carrying out their activity, physiotherapists take account of the psychological, social, economic and cultural characteristics of each patient, at all stages of life. The masseur-physiotherapist communicates to the doctor any information in his possession likely to be useful in establishing the medical diagnosis or adapting the treatment according to the person’s state of health and its evolution.
As part of the medical prescription, the physiotherapist draws up a report which includes the physiotherapy diagnosis and the treatment objectives, as well as the choice of procedures and techniques which seem most appropriate.
This assessment is made available to the prescribing doctor.
The treatment implemented on the basis of the physiotherapy assessment is recorded in a summary sheet which is made available to the prescribing doctor. This sheet is sent to the prescribing doctor at the end of the last treatment session, if the treatment involved ten or more sessions.
It is also sent to the prescribing doctor when it is necessary to modify the treatment initially planned or when a complication arises during the course of the treatment.