For industrial radiology equipment, a joint order by the ministers for labour and agriculture defines the minimum rules for installation and use, taking into account the exposure modes and characteristics of this equipment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter III: Organisational measures and conditions of use of work equipment and personal protective equipment | Section 11: Special provisions applicable to industrial radiology equipment | Article R4323-110 of the French Labour Code
For industrial radiology equipment, a joint order by the ministers for labour and agriculture defines the minimum rules for installation and use, taking into account the exposure modes and characteristics of this equipment.
Pour les appareils de radiologie industrielle, un arrêté conjoint des ministres chargés du travail et de l’agriculture définit les règles minimales d’installation et d’utilisation compte tenu des modes d’exposition et des caractéristiques de ces appareils.
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