Equipment used for lifting loads must bear a visible indication of the maximum working load(s) and, where applicable, a load plate giving the nominal load for each configuration of the equipment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter IV: Use of work equipment not subject to design rules when first placed on the market | Section 2: Additional requirements for lifting loads and lifting and moving workers | Subsection 1: Lifting loads | Article R4324-25 of the French Labour Code
Equipment used for lifting loads must bear a visible indication of the maximum working load(s) and, where applicable, a load plate giving the nominal load for each configuration of the equipment.
Les appareils servant au levage de charges portent une indication visible de la ou des charges maximales d’utilisation et, le cas échéant, une plaque de charge donnant la charge nominale pour chaque configuration de l’appareil.
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