The protectors and protective devices provided for in articles R. 4324-1 and R. 4324-2 have the following characteristics:
1° They are of robust construction, adapted to the conditions of use;
2° They do not give rise to any additional risks, the failure of one of their components not compromising their protective function;
3° They cannot be easily removed or rendered inoperative;
4° They are located at a sufficient distance from the danger zone, compatible with the time required to bring the moving parts to a halt;
5° They enable the danger zone to be perfectly identified;
6° They do not restrict observation of the work cycle any more than is necessary;
7° They enable essential work to be carried out to install or replace components and for maintenance work, by limiting access only to the sector where the work has to be carried out and, if possible, without dismantling the guard or protective device.