I.-Within one month of receipt of the declaration, the Prefect of the region referred to in the first paragraph of Article R. 4331-12 will inform the service provider, in the light of the examination of his file, either:
1° Either that he may begin providing the services without prior verification of his professional qualifications ;
2° Or, where verification of his professional qualifications, which may only be for the purpose of avoiding endangering the health of patients and must not go beyond what is necessary for that purpose, reveals a substantial difference from the training required in France that is likely to harm public health and that cannot be compensated for by professional experience or by lifelong training that has been validated by a competent body, he must undergo an aptitude test in order to demonstrate that he has acquired the missing knowledge and skills. If they pass this test, the provision of services begins in the month following the decision on the aptitude test. If this is not the case, he will be informed that he may not commence the provision of services;
3° Or that he may not commence the provision of services.
II -Within the same period of one month from receipt of the declaration, if examination of the application reveals a difficulty likely to delay the decision, the Regional Prefect will inform the service provider of the reasons for the delay, indicating any missing documents and information. The decision will be taken within two months of the difficulty being resolved and, at the latest, within three months of the date on which the service provider was informed of the existence of the difficulty;
III – In the absence of a response from the Regional Prefect within the deadlines set in the first paragraph of I and in the second sentence of II, the provision of services may begin.