Articles R. 4333-7 and R. 4333-8 are applicable to hearing-aid acousticians, opticians, prosthetists and orthotists for the fitting of appliances to disabled persons, subject to the following adaptations:
1° In the first paragraph of article R. 4333-7, the words: “de l’article L. 4333-1-1” are replaced by the words: “de l’article L. 4361-2-1, article L. 4362-1-1 or article L. 4364-3” and the words: “in article L. 4333-1” are replaced by the words: “in article L. 4361-2, article L. 4362-1 or article L. 4364-2”;
2° In 2° of article R. 4337-7, before the words: “the wording and address”, the words: “where applicable” are added.