Where there is uncertainty about the presence of biological pathogens, laboratories that do not work with these agents adopt at least the containment level required for group 2 agents and, if necessary, that corresponding to group 3 or 4 agents.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title II: Prevention of biological risks | Chapter IV: Preventive measures and resources | Section 2: Special provisions for certain activities | Article R4424-10 of the French Labour Code
Where there is uncertainty about the presence of biological pathogens, laboratories that do not work with these agents adopt at least the containment level required for group 2 agents and, if necessary, that corresponding to group 3 or 4 agents.
Les laboratoires dont l’objectif n’est pas de travailler avec des agents biologiques pathogènes adoptent, en cas d’incertitude quant à la présence de ces agents, au moins le niveau de confinement requis pour les agents du groupe 2 et, si nécessaire, celui correspondant à ceux des groupes 3 ou 4.
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