In establishments and services involved in prevention and care and in establishments providing conservation care, measures to prevent injuries and the risk of contamination by pathogenic biological agents are determined by a joint order of the ministers responsible for work and health, in order to adapt the protection of workers likely to come into contact with perforating objects to the specific nature of the activities carried out and the methods of use of perforating objects.
This order specifies the categories of establishments and services concerned. For these categories of establishments and services, it also specifies the rules applicable, by virtue of chapter V of this title, to the information and training of workers and relating to the risks associated with the use of perforating objects as well as the provisions of chapter VI of this title applicable to the care of injured workers in the event of an accident at work involving a perforating object and to the procedures for monitoring such accidents.
A perforating object is any object or instrument for medical use or necessary for the practice of conservation care, likely to cut, perforate, prick or injure and capable of transmitting an infectious agent when soiled with blood or any other biological product. It constitutes work equipment within the meaning of Article L. 4311-2.