Where the exposure of workers to a hazardous biological agent cannot be avoided, it shall be reduced by taking the following measures:
1° Limiting the number of workers exposed or likely to be exposed to the lowest possible level;
2° Defining work processes and technical control or containment measures designed to avoid or minimise the risk of biological agents being disseminated in the workplace;
3° Signposting, the characteristics and procedures for which are laid down by a joint order of the ministers responsible for labour, agriculture and health;
4° Implementation of collective protection measures or, where exposure cannot be avoided by other means, individual protection measures;
5° Implementation of appropriate hygiene measures to reduce or, if possible, avoid the risk of dissemination of a biological agent outside the workplace;
6° Drawing up of plans to be implemented in the event of accidents involving pathogenic biological agents;
7° Detection, if technically possible, of the presence, outside the containment enclosure, of pathogenic biological agents used at work or, failing that, of any breach of containment;
8° Implementation of procedures and means enabling workers to sort, collect, store, transport and dispose of waste in complete safety, if necessary after appropriate treatment. These means include, in particular, the use of safe and identifiable containers;
9° Implementation of measures enabling biological pathogenic agents to be handled and transported safely during work.