Reducing the risks of exposure to noise is based in particular on :
1° The use of other work processes which do not require exposure to noise or which require less exposure;
2° The choice of appropriate work equipment which, taking into account the work to be done, emits as little noise as possible;
3° In the case of work equipment used outside buildings, the possibility of providing workers with equipment that complies with the provisions adopted pursuant to decree no. 95-79 of 23 January 1995 on noise control and relating to noisy objects and soundproofing devices;
4° Modifying the design and layout of workplaces and workstations;
5° Appropriate information and training for workers so that they use work equipment correctly, with a view to reducing their exposure to noise to a minimum;
6° Technical means to reduce airborne noise by acting on its emission, propagation and reflection, such as reduction at source, screens, enclosures, acoustic correction of the premises;
7° Technical means to reduce structure-borne noise, for example by damping or insulation;
8° Appropriate maintenance programmes for work equipment and the workplace;
9° Reduction of exposure to noise through better organisation of work, by limiting the duration and intensity of exposure and by organising working hours appropriately, including rest periods.