In liaison with the occupational physician, the employer shall adapt the preventive measures provided for in this chapter to the needs of workers who are particularly sensitive to the risks arising from exposure to noise.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title III: Prevention of the risks of exposure to noise | Chapter IV: Preventive measures and resources | Section 1: Collective prevention | Article R4434-5 of the French Labour Code
In liaison with the occupational physician, the employer shall adapt the preventive measures provided for in this chapter to the needs of workers who are particularly sensitive to the risks arising from exposure to noise.
En liaison avec le médecin du travail, l’employeur adapte les mesures de prévention prévues au présent chapitre aux besoins des travailleurs particulièrement sensibles aux risques résultant de l’exposition au bruit.
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