When carrying out the risk assessment, the employer shall take into account:
1° The level, type and duration of exposure, including exposure to intermittent vibrations or repeated shocks;
2° The exposure limit values or the exposure values triggering preventive action laid down in Article R. 4443-2;
3° Any impact on the health and safety of workers who are particularly sensitive to this risk, in particular pregnant women and young workers under the age of 18;
4° Any indirect impact on the safety of workers resulting from interactions between mechanical vibrations and the workplace or other equipment, in particular where mechanical vibrations interfere with the correct operation of controls or the correct reading of indicator devices, or affect the stability of structures;
5° Information on vibration emissions provided by manufacturers of work equipment, in application of the technical design rules to which they are subject;
6° The existence of work equipment which reduces the levels of exposure to mechanical vibrations and which can be used as an alternative;
7° The extension of exposure to whole-body vibrations beyond working hours, for example when the nature of the activity leads a worker to use rest areas exposed to vibrations, under the employer’s responsibility;
8° Particular working conditions, such as low temperatures;
9° Conclusions drawn by the occupational physician from the monitoring of workers’ health.