Reducing the risks of exposure to mechanical vibration is based in particular on :
1° The implementation of alternative work processes which reduce the daily exposure values to mechanical vibration;
2° The choice of appropriate work equipment which is ergonomically well designed and which, taking into account the work to be carried out, produces the least possible vibration;
3° The provision of auxiliary equipment which reduces the risk of injury due to vibration, such as seats which effectively attenuate vibrations transmitted to the whole body or handles which effectively attenuate vibrations transmitted to the hands and arms;
4° Appropriate maintenance programmes for work equipment and the workplace;
5° Modification of the design and layout of workplaces and workstations;
6° Adequate information and training for workers to ensure that they use work equipment correctly and safely, so as to reduce their exposure to mechanical vibration to a minimum;
7° Limiting the duration and intensity of exposure;
8° Organising working hours differently, including rest periods;
9° Providing exposed workers with clothing to protect them from cold and damp.