Where the risk assessment reveals that workers are exposed to risks due to mechanical vibrations, the employer shall ensure that these workers receive information and training in line with the result of the risk assessment and with the assistance of the occupational health service.
This information and training relates, in particular, to :
1° the measures taken in application of Chapter V with a view to eliminating or reducing to a minimum the risks resulting from mechanical vibrations ;
2° The results of assessments and measurements of exposure to mechanical vibration carried out in application of Chapter V ;
3° The exposure limit values and the exposure values triggering preventive action;
4° The injuries which could result from the use of work equipment producing vibrations, as well as the usefulness and manner of detecting and reporting the symptoms of such injuries;
5° The conditions under which workers have the right to individual monitoring of their state of health;
6° Safe working practices to minimise the risks due to exposure to mechanical vibration.