The provisions of this chapter apply whenever workers, including the self-employed, are likely to be exposed to a risk due to ionising radiation of natural or artificial origin.
They apply in particular to
1° to the manufacture, production, processing, handling, storage, use, warehousing, possession and transport of radioactive substances mentioned in Article L. 542-1-1 of the Environmental Code and products or devices containing them;
2° The manufacture and operation of electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation and containing components operating at a potential difference of more than 5 kilovolts;
3° Human activities involving the presence of natural sources of ionising radiation which result in a significant increase in worker exposure, and in particular :
a) The operation of aircraft with regard to the exposure of crews defined in Article L. 6522-1 of the Transport Code, and spacecraft with regard to their crews;
b) Activities or categories of professional activities dealing with materials naturally containing radioactive substances not used for their fissile properties, the list of which is set out in Article D. 515-111 of the Environment Code;
c) Activities carried out in mines as defined in Article L. 111-1 of the Mining Code;
4° Exposure to radon from the ground:
a) In workplaces located in basements and ground floors of buildings, taking into account the zones mentioned in Article L. 1333-22 of the Public Health Code;
b) In certain specific workplaces, in particular those where underground work is carried out, including mines and quarries;
5° Radiological emergencies as defined in article L. 1333-3 of the Public Health Code;
6° In situations of long-term exposure resulting from the aftermath of an emergency or a previous human activity.