A joint order of the ministers responsible for labour, radiation protection and agriculture shall determine:
1° With regard to the competent person in charge of radiation protection:
a) The content and duration of training in radiation protection for the public, workers and the environment, taking into account the nature of the activity carried out and the characteristics of the ionising radiation sources used;
b) The qualifications, skills and experience of the persons responsible for training;
c) The procedures for testing knowledge;
d) The conditions for issuing and renewing the training certificate;
e) The period of validity of the training certificate;
f) The procedures and conditions for certifying training bodies;
g) The procedures and conditions for accrediting certifying bodies;
2° With regard to the competent radiation protection body:
a) The qualifications, skills and professional experience of the persons working within this body as radiation protection advisors in client establishments;
b) The organisational requirements, in particular to ensure the confidentiality of data relating to individual dosimetric monitoring;
c) The terms and conditions of certification of these bodies;
d) The terms and conditions of accreditation of the certifying bodies;
3° Concerning the centre of expertise in radiation protection:
a) The qualifications, skills and professional experience of the people making it up;
b) The organisational requirements, in particular to ensure the confidentiality of data relating to individual dosimetric monitoring;
c) The terms and conditions for approval of the radiation protection competence centres by the competent authorities mentioned in 3° of Article R. 4451-125 ;
d) The organisational requirements and resources necessary for the independent and objective performance of the tasks provided for in Article R. 4451-123 and the initial verification tasks provided for in Articles R. 4451-40 and R. 4451-44.