When the measures implemented in application of Article R. 4451-18 do not make it possible to avoid a risk of contamination by radioactive substances or of significant aerosol suspension or gaseous release, the employer shall in particular implement measures aimed at :
1° Limiting the quantities in the workplace;
2° Improving radiological cleanliness by implementing technical and organisational means to contain contamination, in particular by confinement and aspiration at source and by adapting the circulation of workers, the flow of work equipment and the means of protection as defined in Article L. 4311-2 ;
3° Deploying appropriate hygiene measures, in particular to ensure that workers do not eat or drink in the workplaces concerned;
4° Ensuring the availability of radiological monitoring equipment, in particular on leaving the workplaces concerned;
5° Defining, in liaison with the health professionals mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 4624-1, the appropriate procedures and means for decontaminating workers;
6° Organise the collection, storage and disposal of radioactive waste and effluent in a way that is safe for workers.