I.-These zones are designated:
1° For effective dose:
a) “Blue supervised area”, when it is less than 1.25 millisieverts integrated over one month;
b) “Green controlled area”, when it is less than 4 millisieverts integrated over one month;
c) “Yellow controlled area”, when it is less than 2 millisieverts integrated over one hour;
d) “Orange Controlled Zone”, when it is less than 100 millisieverts integrated over one hour;
e) “Red Controlled Zone”, when it is equal to or greater than 100 millisieverts integrated over one hour;
2° The procedures for delimiting orange or red controlled zones for work equipment emitting ionising radiation in pulsed fields are specified by order of the Minister responsible for labour;
3° With regard to the equivalent dose for the extremities and skin, “extremity zone”;
4° With regard to the concentration of radon activity in the air, “radon zone”.
II.-The delimitation of the zones defined in I is recorded in the single risk assessment document provided for in article R. 4121-1.
III – Under technical conditions defined by order, the zones mentioned in I may be intermittent when the emission of ionising radiation is not continuous or when the concentration of radon activity in the air can be reduced, for the duration of the intervention, below the reference level set in article R. 4451-10.