I.-For the purposes of preventive radiological monitoring and alerting in the event of abnormal exposure, the employer shall fit an operational dosimeter to:
1° Any worker entering a controlled area defined in 1° of I of Article R. 4451-23;
2° Workers classified within the meaning of Article R. 4451-57, authorised to carry out handling in an extremity zone defined in 3° of I of Article R. 4451-23;
3° Workers classified within the meaning of Article R. 4451-57, authorised to work in an operation zone defined in Article R. 4451-28.
When it is not possible to use an operational dosimeter for technical reasons linked to professional practice, the employer must justify the use of another means of prevention in real time and warning or the absence of a suitable technical means.
II. – The results of the dosimeter measurements must be recorded in the workplace.The results of the measurements of the operational dosimeter referred to in I shall be notified to the worker concerned and recorded by the employer in a tool enabling them to be analysed as part of the risk assessment or optimisation of radiation protection.
The radiation protection advisor or, where applicable, the employee referred to in I of Article L. 4644-1 shall analyse the results of the measurements of the operational dosimeter for the purposes of optimising radiation protection.
III.-In establishments comprising a basic nuclear installation, the employer shall periodically transmit the exposure levels, measured by the operational dosimeter, of workers classified pursuant to Article R. 4451-57 to the information and monitoring system for exposure to ionising radiation, the management of which is entrusted to the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire.
Where a prior agreement so provides, the head of the user undertaking may be responsible for transmitting the results of the operational dosimeters of the workers of the undertakings referred to in articles R. 4451-35 and R. 4451-36 working in his establishment.