I.-During an operation carried out by an external company on behalf of a user company, the head of the user company shall ensure the general coordination of the preventive measures taken by him and those taken by the head of the external company, in accordance with the provisions of Articles R. 4511-5 et seq.
The head of the user undertaking and the head of the external undertaking shall request the assistance, for the application of the preventive measures taken under this chapter, of the radiation protection advisor that they have respectively appointed or, where appropriate, of the employee referred to in I of Article L. 4644-1.
Agreements may be concluded between the head of the user undertaking and the head of the external undertaking concerning the provision of personal protective equipment, measuring devices and operational dosimeters as well as their maintenance and checking procedures. They are then appended to the prevention plan provided for in article R. 4512-6.
II.-When the head of the user company brings in a self-employed worker, the latter is considered to be an external company.
III-These coordination measures apply to the host company and the carrier, during loading and unloading operations as provided for in articles R. 4515-1 et seq.