A joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture shall specify:
1° The work equipment or categories of work equipment and the type of sealed radioactive sources for which the employer shall have the inspections provided for in Articles R. 4451-40 to R. 4451-43 and the frequency of these checks;
2° The procedures and conditions for carrying out the checks provided for in this section, taking into account the nature of the activity carried out and the characteristics of the ionising radiation sources;
3° The content of the report on the checks provided for in articles R. 4451-40 and R. 4451-44 ;
4° The procedures for carrying out measurements pursuant to Article R. 4451-15 ;
5° The conditions for accreditation by the French Accreditation Committee or by any other body referred to in Article R. 4724-1 of the body referred to in Articles R. 4451-40 and R. 4451-44;
6° The organisational and resource requirements necessary for the independent and objective performance of the initial verification missions provided for in Articles R. 4451-40 and R. 4451-44 and all or part of those provided for in Article R. 4451-123.