I.-With regard to the dose assessed pursuant to 4° of Article R. 4451-53, the employer shall classify as:
1° Category A, any worker likely to receive, over a period of twelve consecutive months:
a) An effective dose in excess of 6 millisieverts, excluding exposure to radon associated with the situations referred to in 4° of Article R. 4451-1;
b) An equivalent dose in excess of 15 millisieverts to the lens of the eye;
c) An equivalent dose in excess of 150 millisieverts to the skin and extremities;
2° In category B, any other worker likely to receive:
a) An effective dose in excess of 1 millisievert;
b) An equivalent dose in excess of 50 millisieverts to the skin and extremities.
II. – The occupational health physician shall obtain the opinion of the health and safety committee.The employer shall obtain the opinion of the occupational physician on the classification.
The employer shall update this classification as necessary, particularly in the light of the medical fitness opinion referred to in article R. 4624-25, working conditions and the results of worker exposure monitoring.
III – Temporary employment agencies providing workers to companies to carry out the activities mentioned in 1° of Article R. 4451-39, in the controlled areas mentioned in the first paragraph of Article R. 4451-38, shall classify these temporary workers as at least category B.