I.-Individual dosimetric monitoring in relation to external exposure or exposure to radon is carried out using appropriate delayed-reading dosimeters.
Where external exposure is due to cosmic radiation, this monitoring may be carried out using digital modelling.
Dosimeters are supplied and operated by an accredited dosimetry organisation, together with the digital modelling.
II.-Individual dosimetric monitoring in relation to internal exposure is carried out using anthroporadiometry measurements or radiotoxicology analyses prescribed by the occupational physician and entrusted to an accredited dosimetry organisation.Individual dosimetric monitoring linked to internal exposure is carried out by means of anthroporadiometry measurements or radio-toxicology analyses prescribed by the occupational physician and entrusted to an accredited occupational health and prevention service or medical biology laboratory.
On the basis of the results of these examinations, the occupational physician calculates the dose incurred by the worker with the technical support, where appropriate, of the radiation protection advisor.