I.-The occupational health medical file referred to in Article L. 4624-8 for each worker is completed by :
1° The individual assessment of exposure to ionising radiation provided by the employer under Article R. 4451-53 ;
2° The results of individual dosimetric monitoring, together with the effective dose;
3° Where applicable, the exposures that led to the limit values set in articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8 being exceeded, as well as the dose received during these exposures;
4° The results of additional examinations prescribed by the occupational physician under the conditions laid down in articles R. 4624-35 to R. 4624-38.
II – The occupational health medical file of each worker is kept until the worker has reached or would have reached the age of seventy-five and, in any event, for a period of at least fifty years from the end of the professional activity involving exposure to ionising radiation.