Exposure of workers must not exceed the exposure limit values for incoherent radiation other than that emitted by natural sources of optical radiation laid down in Annex I at the end of this chapter.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title V: Prevention of risks of exposure to radiation | Chapter II: Prevention of risks of exposure to artificial optical radiation | Section 3: Occupational exposure limit values | Article R4452-5 of the French Labour Code
Exposure of workers must not exceed the exposure limit values for incoherent radiation other than that emitted by natural sources of optical radiation laid down in Annex I at the end of this chapter.
L’exposition des travailleurs ne peut dépasser les valeurs limites d’exposition aux rayonnements incohérents autres que ceux émis par les sources naturelles de rayonnement optique fixées à l’annexe I figurant à la fin du présent chapitre.
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