When carrying out the risk assessment, the employer shall take into consideration:
1° The level, wavelength range and duration of exposure to artificial sources of optical radiation;
2° The exposure limit values defined in articles R. 4452-5 and R. 4452-6;
3° Any impact on the health and safety of workers;
4° Any possible impact on the health and safety of workers resulting from interactions, in the workplace, between artificial optical radiation and photosensitising chemical substances;
5° Any indirect effect such as temporary blindness, explosion or fire;
6° The existence of alternative equipment designed to reduce levels of exposure to artificial optical radiation;
7° As far as possible, appropriate information from health authority recommendations;
8° Exposure to several sources of artificial optical radiation;
9° The classification of a laser, in accordance with a standard defined by the order referred to in article R. 4452-12, in the class or classes of intrinsically dangerous lasers in the event of direct exposure to the beam or exposure to its reflections;
10° Information provided by manufacturers of artificial optical radiation sources and associated work equipment in accordance with the applicable regulations.