The hyperbaric aptitude certificate indicates in particular:
1° The endorsement corresponding to the professional activity carried out;
2° The class defining, taking into account the maximum relative pressure, the zone in which the worker may work.
II.-The hyperbaric prevention adviser certificate indicates in particular the endorsement corresponding to the professional activity carried out.
III.- The endorsements relating to professional activities are defined as follows: 1° Endorsement A: Underwater work carried out by companies subject to certification as defined in article R. 4461-43; 2° B: Interventions relating to professional activities.The endorsements relating to the professional activities are defined as follows:
1° Endorsement A: Underwater work carried out by companies subject to certification as defined in article R. 4461-43;
2° Endorsement B: Underwater interventions:
a) Physical or sporting activities;
b) Underwater and subaquatic archaeology;
c) Rescue and safety :
-civil security option
-police option;
d) Techniques, sciences, fishing, aquaculture, media and other interventions;
3° Mention C: Interventions without immersion carried out in the field of health;
4° Mention D: Work without immersion carried out by companies subject to certification as defined in article R. 4461-43.
IV.-The classes are defined as follows:
1° Class 0: for a maximum relative pressure not exceeding 1,200 hectopascals;
2° Class I: for a maximum relative pressure not exceeding 3,000 hectopascals;
3° Class II: for a maximum relative pressure not exceeding 5,000 hectopascals;
4° Class III: for a relative pressure exceeding 5,000 hectopascals.