A loading or unloading operation is defined as the activity involved in placing or removing products, funds and valuables, equipment or machinery, waste, objects and materials of any kind on or in a road transport vehicle.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title I: Work carried out on an establishment by an external company | Chapter V: Loading and unloading operations | Section 1: Scope of application. | Article R4515-2 of the French Labour Code
A loading or unloading operation is defined as the activity involved in placing or removing products, funds and valuables, equipment or machinery, waste, objects and materials of any kind on or in a road transport vehicle.
On entend par opération de chargement ou de déchargement, l’activité concourant à la mise en place ou à l’enlèvement sur ou dans un engin de transport routier, de produits, fonds et valeurs, matériels ou engins, déchets, objets et matériaux de quelque nature que ce soit.
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