When the area exposed to the risk covers all or part of the territory of several départements, the prefect who organises the setting up of the inter-company occupational health and safety committee is the prefect of the département most exposed.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title II: Basic nuclear installations and installations likely to give rise to public utility easements | Chapter IV: Inter-company occupational health and safety committee | Section 1: Setting up. | Article R4524-2 of the French Labour Code
When the area exposed to the risk covers all or part of the territory of several départements, the prefect who organises the setting up of the inter-company occupational health and safety committee is the prefect of the département most exposed.
Lorsque le périmètre d’exposition au risque couvre tout ou partie du territoire de plusieurs départements, le préfet qui organise la mise en place du comité interentreprises de santé et de sécurité au travail est celui du département le plus exposé.
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