When the electrical line or installation is in the low-voltage B (LVB), high-voltage A (HVB) or high-voltage B (HVB) areas, the line or installation is kept out of reach by placing effective, firmly fixed obstacles in front of the bare live conductors or parts, and in front of the neutral.
If this measure cannot be envisaged, the work area must be delimited in every possible way by highly visible signs, such as placards, barriers or tape. The instructions provided for in Article R. 4534-125 specify the conditions under which this delimitation is carried out. In addition, the employer appoints a competent person whose sole function is to ensure that workers do not cross the boundary of the work area and to alert them if they do.
Work which is likely to bring workers to a dangerous distance from normally energised bare conductive parts, as well as direct work on lines, electrical installations or normally energised bare parts, may only be carried out by competent workers provided with the appropriate equipment.