Where workers are exposed to the risk of drowning, the employer shall, in addition to the safety measures prescribed by this chapter, take the following special protection measures:
1° Workers exposed to the risk shall be provided with lifejackets;
2° An alarm signal shall be provided;
3° Where appropriate, at least one boat, manned by seamen who know how to swim and dive, shall be permanently placed near the most dangerous workstations. This boat is equipped with paddles, ropes and lifebuoys. The number of lifeboats is proportionate to the number of workers exposed to the risk of drowning;
4° When work is carried out at night, adjustable spotlights are installed to allow the surface of the water to be illuminated, and the boatmen are equipped with powerful lamps;
5° When a fixed work site employing more than twenty workers for more than fifteen days is far from any first aid station, an artificial breathing apparatus or any other device or means of at least equivalent effectiveness is permanently placed on the work site.