During work involving the risk of drowning as referred to in Article R. 4534-136, self-employed workers and employers working directly on a building or civil engineering site must wear lifejackets.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter V: Provisions applicable to self-employed workers | Section 1: Technical requirements during building and civil engineering works. | Article R4535-5 of the French Labour Code
During work involving the risk of drowning as referred to in Article R. 4534-136, self-employed workers and employers working directly on a building or civil engineering site must wear lifejackets.
Lors des travaux exposant à des risques de noyade mentionnés à l’article R. 4534-136, les travailleurs indépendants et les employeurs, lorsqu’ils exercent directement une activité sur un chantier de bâtiment et de génie civil, portent des gilets de sauvetage.
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