When using work equipment and personal protective equipment, self-employed workers and employers working directly on a building or civil engineering site are subject to the following provisions:
1° General rules for the use of work equipment and means of protection set out in articles R. 4321-1 to R. 4321-5 ;
2° Obligation to maintain compliance as set out in article R. 4322-1 ;
3° Rules for installing and using work equipment as set out in articles R. 4323-6, R. 4323-14 and R. 4323-18 ;
4° Rules for checking work equipment as set out in articles R. 4323-22 to R. 4323-28 ;
5° Special provisions applicable to work equipment used for lifting loads provided for in articles R. 4323-29 to R. 4323-36, R. 4323-39, R. 4323-40 and R. 4323-44 to R. 4323-49 ;
6° Special provisions applicable to mobile work equipment provided for in article R. 4323-53 ;
7° Formation à la conduite prévue à l’article R. 4323-55 ;
8° Dispositions particulières applicables aux travaux en hauteur prévues aux articles R. 4323-58 à R. 4323-89 ;
9° Règles d’utilisation et de vérifications des équipements de protection individuelle prévues aux articles R. 4323-91 à R. 4323-94 et R. 4323-98 à R. 4323-103.