When they are exposed or likely to be exposed to hazardous chemical agents other than carcinogens, mutagens or agents toxic to reproduction, self-employed workers and employers who work directly on a building or civil engineering site are subject to the following provisions relating to the risks of exposure to hazardous chemical agent s:
1° Scope an d definitions provided for in articles R. 4412-1 to R. 4412-4; 2° Risk assessment provided for in articles R. 4412-5 to R. 4412-8 and article R. 4412-10; 3° Measures and means of prevention provided for in articles R. 4412-5 to R. 4412-8 and article R. 4412-10. 4412-4 ;
2° Risk assessment provided for in articles R. 4412-5 to R. 4412-8 and article R. 4412-10 ;
3° Prevention measures and means provided for in articles R. 4412-11 to R. 4412-22 with the exception of 3° of article R. 4412-11 ;
4° Checks on collective protection installations and equipment as provided for in articles R. 4412-23 and R. 4412-26 ;
5° Measures in the event of an accident or incident as provided for in articles R. 4412-33 to R. 4412-37 ;
6° Medical surveillance as provided for in articles R. 4412-44 to R. 4412-57.