The employer shall organise the worker’s activity in such a way that the daily screen time is periodically interrupted by breaks or by changes of activity reducing the screen workload.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title IV: Other activities and operations | Chapter II: Use of display screens | Section 3: Preventive measures and resources. | Article R4542-4 of the French Labour Code
The employer shall organise the worker’s activity in such a way that the daily screen time is periodically interrupted by breaks or by changes of activity reducing the screen workload.
L’employeur organise l’activité du travailleur de telle sorte que son temps quotidien de travail sur écran soit périodiquement interrompu par des pauses ou par des changements d’activité réduisant la charge de travail sur écran.
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