Payment of the reduced fixed fine is made in cash, by cheque or, if the ticketing officer has the necessary equipment, by bank card to the ticketing officer. The latter immediately issues the offender with a receipt, the model for which is set by order of the minister responsible for the budget.
If the amount of the fixed fine is not paid under the conditions set out in the first paragraph, payment is made, within the time limits set out in article 529-8 and in accordance with the procedures laid down by order of the Ministers of Justice, the Budget and the Interior, either by dematerialised stamp, or by automated remote payment, or by sending a cheque enclosed with the payment card to the accounting officer of the Directorate General of Public Finances, or by international bank transfer. In the case provided for in the first paragraph of Article R. 49-3, payment may be made by sending, within the same timeframe, the duly completed payment card bearing the fine stamp or a cheque attached to this payment card to the service indicated in the notice of offence or to the accountant of the Directorate General of Public Finances.
An order of the Budget Minister sets the conditions under which fixed penalty fines may be paid by means of a cheque made payable to the Public Treasury.