The multidisciplinary committee for security measures mentioned in article R. 50-71 assesses the dangerousness of the person concerned and their ability to reintegrate.
When it carries out this assessment pursuant to the first paragraph, its composition is that provided for by article R. 61-8, supplemented by :
1° A police officer or a member of the gendarmerie assigned or having been assigned to a criminal investigation department specially responsible for combating terrorism designated, for a period of five years, by the Minister of the Interior;
2° A representative of an association mentioned in Article 2-9 in the capacity of the representative of a victim support association provided for in 6° of Article R. 61-8. This representative may not, however, have been a victim of the offences for which the person whose dangerousness the commission is responsible for assessing has been convicted.
When the multidisciplinary committee for security measures assesses the dangerousness of a minor, the first president of the court of appeal appoints a vice-president of the committee chosen from among the presidents or councillors of the special chamber for minors of the court of appeal in whose jurisdiction the committee sits. In this case, the committee is completed by the inter-regional director of the judicial protection of young people with jurisdiction over the court of appeal where the committee sits, or his or her representative.