I.-The Director General of the Agency may ask the regional pharmacovigilance centres to carry out any pharmacovigilance investigations and work.
He may also ask the drug dependence and addictovigilance assessment and information centres referred to in article R. 5132-112 and the poison control centres referred to in article L. 6141-4 to provide him with any information and carry out any studies he considers useful for pharmacovigilance purposes.
The Director General of the Agency may involve any company or organisation exploiting a medicinal product or a product mentioned in article R. 5121-150 which has reported a suspected adverse reaction in application of the provisions of article R. 121-166 in the follow-up to this report.
It may also involve healthcare professionals, patients and approved patient associations who have reported a suspected adverse reaction in application of article R. 5121-161 in the follow-up to this report.
It may ask any company or organisation exploiting a medicinal product or a product mentioned in article L. 5121-1 to provide any information mentioned in 2° and in the penultimate paragraph of article R. 5121-151 or to carry out any investigations, studies or work concerning the benefits and risks of adverse reactions that these medicinal products or products are likely to present. Reasons must be given for this request.
II – After processing the information collected in particular in application of article R. 5121-154, the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé shall, if necessary, take appropriate measures to ensure the safe use of the medicinal products and products mentioned in article R. 5121-150 and to put an end to incidents and accidents which have been found to be related to their use, or shall refer the matter to the competent authorities.