As part of the pharmacovigilance system, any company or organisation exploiting a medicinal product or a product mentioned in Article R. 5121-150 :
1° Implements a risk management system for each medicinal product or each product for which the marketing authorisation was issued after 21 July 2012;
2° Monitors the results of the risk reduction measures described in the risk management plan or taken in application of Articles R. 5121-36-1, R. 5121-37-3 and R. 5121-43;
3° Keeps the risk management system up to date and monitors pharmacovigilance data in order to identify new risks, changes in existing risks or a change in the risk-benefit ratio of medicinal products or products;
4° Ensures that reports of adverse reactions suspected to be due to a medicinal product or a product mentioned in Article R. 5121-150 occurring in a Member State of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or a third country are accessible in the “Eudravigilance” database.