In healthcare establishments and other establishments with an in-house pharmacy, blood-derived medicinal products are dispensed by the in-house pharmacy on the basis of a medical prescription.
The in-house pharmacy attaches to the medicinal product a numbered slip, known as a dispensing and administration slip, on which it records the following information:
1° The name of the prescriber and the department to which he belongs ;
2° The surname, first names and date of birth of the patient for whom the medicinal product is intended;
3° The information shown on the detachable label of the outer packaging;
4° The date of supply and, for blood-derived medicinal products mentioned in b of 18° of Article L. 5121-1, the time of thawing;
5° The quantities dispensed.
In the event of a handwritten record, the detachable label of the outer packaging is affixed to the slip. A copy of the form is kept by the internal-use pharmacy until the original is returned.