The Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé shall draw up the list of medicinal products, known as medicinal products for officinal use, which the dispensing pharmacist may present for direct access to the public under the conditions set out in article R. 4235-55. It is published on the Agency’s website.
At the request of the marketing authorisation holder or the person who has carried out the registration provided for in Article L. 5121-14-1, the Director General shall include on this list medicinal products which are not included on the list mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 162-17 of the Social Security Code, for which :
1° Their marketing authorisation does not state that they are subject to prescription under one of the categories provided for in article R. 5121-36 ;
2° The therapeutic indications, the duration of treatment and the information given in the package leaflet allow them to be used, with the specific advice of the dispensing pharmacist provided for in article R. 4235-48, without a medical prescription having been issued;
3° The contents of the packaging in terms of weight, volume or number of units of administration are appropriate to the dosage and duration of treatment recommended in the package leaflet;
4° The marketing authorisation or registration decision does not contain any prohibition or restriction on advertising to the public due to a possible risk to public health.