The experts referred to in Article L. 5121-20 shall have the following qualifications and experience, as set out in a summary of the curriculum vitae attached to the marketing authorisation application file:
1° For the pharmaceutical expert: a qualification in pharmacy attested by a State or university diploma in pharmacy, or, for medicinal products derived from biotechnology, a specific qualification attested by a diploma, and sufficient practical experience either in research and development, or in manufacturing, or in the physical, chemical, physico-chemical, biological or microbiological testing of medicinal products;
2° For the expert toxicologist: a qualification in general or specialised toxicology attested by a diploma and sufficient practical experience;
3° For the expert pharmacologist: a general or specialised qualification attested by a diploma and sufficient practical experience;
4° For the clinical expert: a qualification attested by a medical diploma and sufficient practical clinical and statistical experience.
They must have the appropriate resources to carry out their expert appraisal work, be of good repute and have no direct or indirect financial interest, even through intermediaries, in the marketing of the medicinal products which are the subject of their expert appraisals.