In the event of an additional request by the Haute Autorité de santé during the assessment of the application referred to in Article R. 5121-68, where applicable on a proposal from the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé or the Ministers responsible for health and social security, the applicant has a period of time set by the Haute Autorité de santé which may not exceed 45 days in which to bring this new information to their attention. The period referred to in I of Article R. 5121-69 is suspended until all the information requested has been received.
If the applicant has not replied by the end of this period, the request for early access is deemed to have been abandoned.
In addition, the Haute Autorité de santé and, where applicable, the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé may invite the holder of the exploitation rights or its authorised representative, any patient and healthcare system user association or other stakeholder to be heard during the investigation or to send their written contributions and, on this occasion, send them the draft therapeutic use protocol proposed by the holder of the exploitation rights or its authorised representative.